Happy Holidays from DTRT

by admin

Good Afternoon….

Ok..so we gots a few days left before Christmas…come by and see if there’s anything you have been hunting but couldn’t find anywhere else. Still have plenty of decorations as well, so come get em.

While I’m at it ..I’d like to remind everyone of our new approach to pricing. We aren’t pricing anything any longer, YOU are! Make a donation and walk out with what you want! We ask that you be fair taking into account what we do for vets and their families. Seriously ..no donation refused. It keeps things moving out the door , you get some cool stuff at the price you can afford , and we can continue to take care of our vets as their needs are made known. There literally is no catch here , so come down and try it out.

In closing , Myself, Monica , Chrissy, Becky , Lori, Bernice, and everyone at DTRT wish you and yours a VERY Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New year! We will be closing 3pm SHARP for both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.

Be seeing You,
Down The Road
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