DTR Moving To Titusville Mall

by admin
May be an image of indoor
Titusville Mall

After 2 years in Cocoa we have made the decision to move to the Titusville Mall.

This will allow us to continue to serve our Vets in these very trying times.

As a result, starting today , we are throwing the current store into blowout sale mode. Our 5 dollar bag sale on clothing is now 2 bags for 5$. ALL REASONABLE OFFERS WILL BE CONSIDERED. Keep in mind we are culling our stock for the new location so some items will not be available, but we promise you we want to move as little as possible .

As for the new location …we have secured a space in the present building and are locked in for an expanded space in the new Retail complex once it is built. We look forward to seeing everyone at the new location but for the next 2 weeks we are transitioning to moving mode so we will only be accepting donations that are absolutely needed.

Feel free to contact us should you have any questions..

3 thoughts on “DTR Moving To Titusville Mall

Bob Lefferts May 16, 2022 at 3:06 am

I have my blues and whites from my navy enlisted time. I’d like to donate this things to u. Please contact me.

    admin July 29, 2022 at 7:23 pm

    Please call us at 321-349-0134 to discuss this further.

    Thank you,
    Down The Road Thrift

Chiffone Sandberg August 29, 2022 at 10:54 pm

I have frinds (Richard & Stephanie Desrochers) hat live in Grand Isle (Viera). They are in a bad way healthwise and are having to move to assisted living. Richard was in the Marines and very proud of it. They have a three cousion couch and two reclining chairs that they would like to donate them to Down The Road Thrift Is this something that you can use in your store?
I received your information from Cassie at the Rocket Post.
Please give me a call if this is something you would like to do.
Chiffone 321-255-1182

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